P is for Perfection

I always strive to do things on time, and to the best of my ability. When I have a large amount of work on my desk, it frustrates me when there is noise around me, and when other people at work appear to be doing nothing – chatting and messing around when I am doing heaps of work, some of which needs their input that I may have been waiting days for. Sometimes I wonder if I should just try to relax a bit, not care about the pile of work I have and just doddle through it without a care in the world, like the others do. But I can’t. It bothers me if someone has been waiting more than a day for an email reply, It bothers me when people around are laughing and I am hard at work, perhaps I am too much of a perfectionist. Trying to get most done, and as best as it can be. But we’re paid to work, not chat. So work is what I do. No time for play.

P is also for “Pretty Little Liars” which is one of my favourite TV shows, and a sure way to remove the brain from the days cares and sink into the show, hanging on every word to see who’s after the main characters this time, and who is part of the A team. It’s just such an awesome show with so many elements bunged in. Much recommended.